Imperfect Happiness

I'm a big fan of Mike & Molly. Yeah sure, I've mentioned, time and again, that I'm both a film-and t.v.-buff, but this isn't just comedic appreciation. This is actually more of a glimpse. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Mike & Molly is an American sitcom staring comedians Billy Gardell and Melissa McCarthy as the tittle characters. Its a story of a police officer and an elementary school teacher who meet, fall in love and get married, all within a time-period of 2 seasons (which is usually about 20-25 episodes, but lord knows how much time elapses by then). Now, many a critic have tried to break down the show and pinpoint the elements which make it so funny and appealing to the viewing audience. Is it the random elements within the script that all mix together to form a hilarious, yet plausible scenario? Is it the eloquent script writing that allows the individual actors to fully portray the characters to their limits? Is it the zany and eclectic ...