Active Volcano
When I was in high school, I remember one particular teacher rather fondly. Memhir Gebreyesus , a.k.a. Koborta (to my peeps from Den Den, some of y'all know who I'm talking about). Memhir meaning "Teacher", his nickname meaning blanket (which I still have no idea what that's about) and the second part being his name, which means..........well, part of it is a popular pronunciation of Jesus. He taught high school geography, but I remember him for his short stature, thick glasses, doctor's coat (a symbolic uniform of the teachers back then) and constantly uneven facial hair, which, when I think about it today, sorta gave him the image of a mad scientist-meets-black hobbit. A particular session that stood out is when he spoke about volcanoes and the destructive power they had, especially how it could suddenly erupt without warning. He later proceeded to prove his point when he "disciplined" a student for talking, rather loudly, in class. Once again, an...