Serendipity (Ode to my baby brother)

I was such a timid child with a huge afro. Ask mom and she'll regale you with stories of my sudden water-works, never-ending tears and the occasional screams, all of which I will deny should I ever meet any of you in person. Oddly enough, I developed a morbid fascination for thriller and horror movies around the age of 12 and I've learned to appreciate and even anticipate them ever since. Hell, I'm still waiting on a film that will scare me, though I will not go so far as to say I'm impervious to fear, because, let's face it, I'ma always be that timid little boy with the nappy afro. But, I'm digressing, as usual. I remember one afternoon in late '91, I was coming home from school, to find that mom wasn't home. Knowing that mom was fully aware of what time we got out and what time we got home, I was naturally concerned, despite the presence of my "uncle" (who, by Eritrean standards, could have been anyone from a direct relative to someon...