A good cup of joe

What's up, folks? I trust all is well. My apologies for the disappearance. Just trying to have a good summer (and failing miserably). But hey, no excuses, right? So....where do I begin.....?? Anybody ever enjoy MacGyver? I did. I loved that show with a passion that could only be described as obsessive, were it not for the fact that I was a 9-year-old with way too much time on his hands and way too much freedom with the T.V. remote. Like the rest of the fan base, I was amazed by how the protagonist could take regular household items and turn them into lord knows what. Of course, seeing that inspired me to attempt similar endeavors, which resulted in quite a few trips to the emergency room. I guess that'll teach to let my brother shave my head with a razor blade, whipped cream, a pencil and 5 kgs worth of gauze. But sometimes, you gotta "MacGyver" some stuff and sometimes, it turns out just right. Despite repeated labeling as "Eritrean", there're ha...