The Psychology of Dance
If you ask anyone who knew me when I was a young child, or "knee-high-to-a-grasshopper", they'll tell you that I've always been a dancer. Hell, according to mom, as a young pup, I used to get dressed, mosey on down to the living room, turn on dad's 8-track (we were one of they few who still had them) and just jam. I guess that explains my love of Motown (60's RnB and soul) and 80's joints. I've gone through my own evolution of dance of sorts. I've outgrown the electric boogaloo, the slide, the robot and the running man and replaced it with main stream, poppin & locking and my personal favorite, Krump. Even now, with my current, albeit gradually healing case of sciatica, I still can't help but bust a move whenever an appropriate beat comes on. I guess that explains the irritating delays in my recovery. Nonetheless, I've always been a dancer, or rather, a lover of dance. I guess that would flow nicely with my singing (which, I don't...