Disabled, not UNable
In any high school, you could tell who the cool kids were from the activities they partook in. Growing up in Eritrea, the cool kids were always active in debating. Might sound weird to some, considering how debating has been a bit of a geek-oriented endeavor but such was the culture of my native land. I remember during an intermission of one of these debate activities, people were being invited to share some poetry they had written. And from the sea of enthusiastic individuals stood a solitary young man. Now, the said young man was blind and needed help getting up on stage, but once he did and once he stood before the masses, both his voice and message spoke volumes. He read, aloud, a poem he had written. While the title of the poem eludes me to this day (which is understandable considering it was almost 15 years ago)the title still stuck with me, namely because he kept shouting it out....."I AM BLIND, BUT NOT MY MIND"!!! The poem was a tribute to all disabled individuals wh...