
Stop me if you've heard this one every crew/group/assortment of friends, there's always that one person who stands out. They seem to be lost in their own world, or perhaps they don't seem to fit in with the rest of the individuals that make up this collective, or maybe they're just so awkward that their inclusion into the group is a bit of a mystery to all. That's the set for the punchline....... If you don't know who that is in your group, chances are that it's YOU!!!! I'll allow a brief pause for those of a more sinister wit to absorb and enjoy that piece of rather hurtful humor. Of course, that's just a joke, right? If a group is sincerely a group, then surely all it's members are equally valued and appreciated, right? Well, as much as we would like to think so, as I've said time and again, we don't live in a perfect world. Our world is anything but fair. I open with this in regards to something I sa...