I wasn't a very bright kid growing up. On some levels, I'm still that simple-minded child, going through life, head in the clouds, somewhat oblivious to the the state of affairs that our land/world is in. Admittedly, I'm aware of this, but it's not because of some over-abundance of apathy, nor am I incapable of understanding the way the world works. I mention this because of my initial difficulty of understanding a phrase I once heard, "walk a mile in another man's shoes". I had no idea what in the hell that meant, considering that very few people share the same shoe size and no two individuals could have the exact level of comfort with the same shoe. It wasn't until after a lengthy explanation (and a huge amount of personal patience on my fathers part) that I understood the phrase. And it is with that in mind that I open with this. Having lived here in my current residence for over 4 years, I have been blessed to have met people who have been kind ...