
Showing posts from July, 2015

To (be) Forgive(n)

 Does anyone remember Josh Hartnett? Whatever happened to him, I wonder? Sure, Hollywood being as fickle as it is, one would assume that his star all but fizzled and died, but that can’t be true for everyone? Anyways, I was channel-surfing, in the midst of nostalgia one night when I came across “40 days and 40 nights” and I just couldn’t help but peep that piece one more time. For the benefit of those impartial to cheesy flicks, it was the story of a man who attempts to recover from a bad break-up by first engaging in a series of unfulfilling one night stands and then abstaining from any form of sexual activity during lent, the 40 days and 40 nights leading up to Easter.   Why do I start off with that? Well, I suppose it was because I thought it was a clever sedge way into the topic of Easter and if it wasn’t….well hey, you swing and you miss. Anyways, Easter was here. Well, for some it was technically the week before, but for us of the orthodox faith, we celebrate a week lat...