Life's Jokes....
When I woke up this morning, I had expected a mundane Sunday, where I would simply start off my day with a batch of fresh-made french toast (which I like to dress up with various ingredients, toppings and colors.......I tend to get bored with my food) and a cup of kick-you-in-the-head-'til-you-see-stars black coffee, followed an afternoon of "vegetating" in front of my T.V., channel surfing because I really have nothing better to do on a Sunday. So, after breakfast, I log on to Facebook to find my friend or homegirl re-posting "inspirational" quotes on her wall, though some might argue her misinterpretation of the term "inspirational". When discussing this among ourselves, homegirl told me that they were a representation of how some people believed that it was a shame to be so cynical at such a young age, but she confided that it was just, and I quote, "fucking smart". Of course, that pretty much sums her up. She is a smart young lady wit...