Life's Jokes....
When I woke up this morning, I had expected a mundane Sunday, where I would simply start off my day with a batch of fresh-made french toast (which I like to dress up with various ingredients, toppings and colors.......I tend to get bored with my food) and a cup of kick-you-in-the-head-'til-you-see-stars black coffee, followed an afternoon of "vegetating" in front of my T.V., channel surfing because I really have nothing better to do on a Sunday. So, after breakfast, I log on to Facebook to find my friend or homegirl re-posting "inspirational" quotes on her wall, though some might argue her misinterpretation of the term "inspirational".
When discussing this among ourselves, homegirl told me that they were a representation of how some people believed that it was a shame to be so cynical at such a young age, but she confided that it was just, and I quote, "fucking smart". Of course, that pretty much sums her up. She is a smart young lady with an infinite amount of potential. On this particular matter, while I can't say I find fault in the logic, I can't help but disagree, with both her and the general consensus believing this to be cynicism.
I don't shy away from my responsibilities. I don't avoid them, I don't delegate them, I don't neglect them, I don't toss them off as "someone else's problem". I will do what needs to be done. However, I will do so with a smile. I will do so with a laugh. I will do so tossing protocol in the air, spitting in the face of decorum and introducing "uncle charlie" to procedure. Sure, it may come off as childish and immature, but then I challenge the efficiency of my actions to that of anyone who deems themselves to be "mature". As F. Scott Fitzgerald once said "Show me a hero and I will show you a tragedy". I say, show me the "mature" and I will show you a young soul slowly dying.
Be stupid. Be silly. Be funny. Laugh and make others laugh. Hell, everyone from Dr. Phil to Patch Adams will advocate the medicinal benefits of laughter. But, the purpose is not to infuse a sense of comedy into everything you do. That is the means to an end.

I'm a joker. Ask anybody and they'll tell you that I'm incapable of being serious for more than 10 minutes at a time. I'm sorta like Robert De Niro in "Awakenings", except not as tragic. But, my "condition" is a result of life, not because it has battered me to the point where my grasp of reality has been some what loosen, but because I am well aware of the fact that we live in a serious world and that serious matters need to be addressed in a serious manner.

I am not preaching the need to do away with growing up and acting your age. I am not taking a "Pro-Peter Pan" stance here. I am simply expressing a a view of the world, a belief in life. The belief is simple. Life is too serious for us to take it too seriously. The harsh reality is simply overwhelming for us to constantly be on our guard, hoping for it to not take us by surprise. Instead, enjoy life. I'm not gonna spout something holistic and preachy like "make every moment count". Instead, I take a different approach.

The comedy and lighthearted nature of this disables the firm grip that seriousness has on one that is dealing with a given problem, there by allowing them the chance to regroup and re-approach this problem through another angel. It offers perspective and perhaps a well-needed reprieve from matters at hand. And, in that re-direct, perhaps you have a much more accurate and efficient summation of effort than what you had originally intended for in the first place.
This is not a guarantee that you'll be more successful, just that you'll have more fun. And, what else is there, if not any fun to be had?
I make a joke out of almost anything. It's not a sense of immaturity, but a recognition of it. My life, as well as everyone else's, is as serious and as difficult as everyone else's. It's not easy, nor is it meant to be. But, it's not supposed to be hard all the time. We need a laugh, we need a smile, we need a moment's peace. So, if there's no reason for it, if you can't find it, then is it really such a crime to make one of your own?
As the old lyric goes, "if loving you is wrong, then I don't wanna be right....". Well, then if enjoying a good laugh in the face of life is childish, then I don't wanna grow up......and you can't make me :-p
Everybody who knows me knows that I'm an optimist. An OVER-OPTIMIST.
ReplyDeleteNot a realist, not a pessimist and definitely not a cynic. And you weren't disagreeing with me yesterday. You were coming up with a new approach to what the adults called cynicism. With this quote: "Maybe it's not cynicism. Sometimes we need to take a step back and re-evaluate our beliefs. Besides, this kinda knowledge/foreknowledge is like having a gun....better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."