Did I ever tell you guys the story of how I met the love of my life? It was in a hospital gift shop. She was this beautiful, charming, sexy........oh wait, that wasn't me. Lemme start over.
Once upon a time, I collapsed in a bar and was rushed to the hospital where I spent a few weeks under observation. While there, I was attended to by a male nurse, who was pretty cool, except for one small detail. He spent quite a bit of time whining and moaning about a girl that he like, who happened to work at the hospital gift shop. He spent 3 days, tending to my requirements, while offering such detailed descriptions of how wonderful she was and how he would deem himself lucky to even spend one evening in her company, stressing that he would be a gentleman and respect her. Eventually, I had finally had enough and I, politely, suggested that instead of telling me all this, he should tell her. He responded by saying he had no idea how to profess his desire for her. So, I naturally suggested poetry, to which he replied he had no idea how to do that. So, me being both adequate in the formation of poetry and rather anxious to have that nice, yet irritating sack of unrequited love out of my face, I proceeded to write 8 lines of poetry that, I must confess, was so damn good that it would have brought tears to a glass eye. And he gave it to her. The next day, I received another nurse. A hardened, battle-ax of a woman who was neither considerate nor gentle. When I asked where was the nurse I had the day before, she mumbled something about him being caught in some room with some girl from the gift shop.
By now, I'm sure quite a few folks are wondering what in the blue hell I'm talking about and where this is all going. We all know there's a method to my madness. So, if there's not objection, I beg your indulgence....
I have met quite a few couples in the past year or so that have complained of a certain plateauing of relations. Simply that things have gotten so stagnant that boredom is almost inevitable. Moreover, that a degree of perceived apathy between one another had begun to set in. Hell, if I had a penny for every time somebody complained to me about their significant other, I'd have more cash than Microsoft and more followers than.......whoever on twitter is hot now.
Considering that I've been single for a while now, I'm somewhat apprehensive about commenting on this, namely because I would rather comment on that which I have some knowledge of. But, while I will admit that every relationship is unique in itself, there are underlying similarities here.
In this context, they are like gardens. Sure, they're beautiful to have, exquisite to look at and a joy to be immersed in. But, they take work. Hard work. You tend to it, maintain it, appreciate it. Failure to do so will result in its damage and eventual destruction. But, the difference is, there are short cuts.
I remember the movie, Easy A, starring Emma Stone (who has, by far, the sexiest voice I have ever heard on a woman.....seriously, its like being seduced by an angel). She speaks of random acts performed by "men-in-love-with-women", as displayed in John Hughes-directed movies, such as John Cusack holding a boombox outside a girl's bedroom window, or riding off on the back of a lawnmower that's being driven by Patrick Dempsey (before he became "McDreamy"), or Jake from "16 candles", or Judd Nelson fist-pumping because he knows he got the girl, all with accompanying musical scores, because whats the point of having these amazing moments without some harmonious supplementing sound to serve as an exclamation point for these moments? Personally, I would prefer something by John Williams (who has written and composed some of the most memorable Hollywood scores) because he would do justice to the moment that I create for my special someone in which.......um....sorry, got sidetracked for a minute there.
These are all romantic gestures. And that's the point here, that's the short-cut. Romantic Acts & Gestures. R.A.G.'s. That's what its all about. Do they sound cheesy, corny, irrelevant, impractical and every other synonym? Sure, they probably do. But guess what, they work wonders. Some might think that they work because it satisfies a person's need for romantic illusion, that a person sometimes needs to be "swept off their feet" in order to make a relationship, or what have you, work.
I don't believe so. I think these work because they remind us that there is someone that wants to be with us, that there is someone that will make the effort to show us that. Sometimes, all we need is just a reminder, an act, a random gesture that allows us to believe that. After all, what could be more fulfilling than to know that, despite your worst traits & all your bullshit, someone out there still wants you?
As for the Murse (male-nurse.....don't judge me, I heard it on T.V. once), long story short, he got the girl of his dreams. They started dating, they got engaged and subsequently married. I still get cards from them, thanking me for "playing cupid".
As for me, I only have one question.......how is it that, even though I've been writing poetry for over 20 years now, it helped some random guy find his soul mate, but it can't help me get laid!? Life's just funny like that, I suppose.
Once upon a time, I collapsed in a bar and was rushed to the hospital where I spent a few weeks under observation. While there, I was attended to by a male nurse, who was pretty cool, except for one small detail. He spent quite a bit of time whining and moaning about a girl that he like, who happened to work at the hospital gift shop. He spent 3 days, tending to my requirements, while offering such detailed descriptions of how wonderful she was and how he would deem himself lucky to even spend one evening in her company, stressing that he would be a gentleman and respect her. Eventually, I had finally had enough and I, politely, suggested that instead of telling me all this, he should tell her. He responded by saying he had no idea how to profess his desire for her. So, I naturally suggested poetry, to which he replied he had no idea how to do that. So, me being both adequate in the formation of poetry and rather anxious to have that nice, yet irritating sack of unrequited love out of my face, I proceeded to write 8 lines of poetry that, I must confess, was so damn good that it would have brought tears to a glass eye. And he gave it to her. The next day, I received another nurse. A hardened, battle-ax of a woman who was neither considerate nor gentle. When I asked where was the nurse I had the day before, she mumbled something about him being caught in some room with some girl from the gift shop.
By now, I'm sure quite a few folks are wondering what in the blue hell I'm talking about and where this is all going. We all know there's a method to my madness. So, if there's not objection, I beg your indulgence....
I have met quite a few couples in the past year or so that have complained of a certain plateauing of relations. Simply that things have gotten so stagnant that boredom is almost inevitable. Moreover, that a degree of perceived apathy between one another had begun to set in. Hell, if I had a penny for every time somebody complained to me about their significant other, I'd have more cash than Microsoft and more followers than.......whoever on twitter is hot now.
Considering that I've been single for a while now, I'm somewhat apprehensive about commenting on this, namely because I would rather comment on that which I have some knowledge of. But, while I will admit that every relationship is unique in itself, there are underlying similarities here.
In this context, they are like gardens. Sure, they're beautiful to have, exquisite to look at and a joy to be immersed in. But, they take work. Hard work. You tend to it, maintain it, appreciate it. Failure to do so will result in its damage and eventual destruction. But, the difference is, there are short cuts.

I don't believe so. I think these work because they remind us that there is someone that wants to be with us, that there is someone that will make the effort to show us that. Sometimes, all we need is just a reminder, an act, a random gesture that allows us to believe that. After all, what could be more fulfilling than to know that, despite your worst traits & all your bullshit, someone out there still wants you?
As for the Murse (male-nurse.....don't judge me, I heard it on T.V. once), long story short, he got the girl of his dreams. They started dating, they got engaged and subsequently married. I still get cards from them, thanking me for "playing cupid".
As for me, I only have one question.......how is it that, even though I've been writing poetry for over 20 years now, it helped some random guy find his soul mate, but it can't help me get laid!? Life's just funny like that, I suppose.
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