Gamble of hope(lessness)

Does anyone remember any of the fairy tales that they were told as children? The typical "knight-in-shining-armor-saves-the-day" type stories that are supposed to teach us that life works out for those who work hard and try to be good? Ever notice how a lot of them include a "perilous journey" with danger at every turn and almost certain death waiting at every corner? When you hear it like that, it's perceived as exhilarating, adventurous, even fun. Of course, that's just the perception. The reality is much different and harsher. This entry is not going to be some random monologue of whatever inane topic that tickles my fancy for the moment. Instead, I'm going to try a different tact. Last Thursday, a boat sank off the coast of Lampedusa, which is one of the largest islands of the Italian Pelagie islands in the Mediterranean sea. This boat was carrying refugees, mostly Eritrean and Somali. Of the presumably 500 people that were on-board, only 155 ...