Gamble of hope(lessness)
Does anyone remember any of the fairy tales that they were told as children? The typical "knight-in-shining-armor-saves-the-day" type stories that are supposed to teach us that life works out for those who work hard and try to be good? Ever notice how a lot of them include a "perilous journey" with danger at every turn and almost certain death waiting at every corner? When you hear it like that, it's perceived as exhilarating, adventurous, even fun. Of course, that's just the perception. The reality is much different and harsher.
So......what was the point of this entry? Why speak on a topic that very few outside of the immigrant communities know very little about or even care about? Ultimately, maybe I'm just taking a gamble myself, that whoever is reading this might understand how overwhelmingly scary it is to be in that situation, to live life without hope. Maybe this might inspire someone to make a difference. Maybe it might inspire a group to advocate the betterment of these circumstances. Maybe it might have some insignificant effect that could lead to a largely significant effect.
This entry is not going to be some random monologue of whatever inane topic that tickles my fancy for the moment. Instead, I'm going to try a different tact.
Last Thursday, a boat sank off the coast of Lampedusa, which is one of the largest islands of the Italian Pelagie islands in the Mediterranean sea. This boat was carrying refugees, mostly Eritrean and Somali. Of the presumably 500 people that were on-board, only 155 were rescued, with 319 confirmed deaths and with many still unaccounted for. To-date, this makes this one of the worst accidents at sea to occur in this part of the sea.......or so one would believe.
Truth be told, this is but one of many tragic incidences that occurs in these parts. See, these are not extreme sight-seers looking for thrills. Nor are they knights, journeying off to rescue their princesses. These are men and women, stricken by desperation, beaten by circumstance, who choose to take a gamble, in the pursuit of a better life. It is a choice that is not made lightly nor is it one that is made without a heavy heart.
Before I continue, I feel obligated to state my intention for this entry. I am neither a politician nor an activist, for I have no interest in that. I'm simply a man, speaking on a theme that has, for the most part, gone unnoticed by many. I'm not here to raise publicity.
The statistics on the subject are probably inaccurate due to the lack of viable information sources. Then again, it's not like human traffickers, or "businessmen" have websites that lists last quarters profits. The truth is, the incident at Lampedusa is merely the tip of the iceberg. Countless sea-faring vessels leave the northern coast of Africa for Europe, via Lampedusa or whatever other entry points, for Europe. But, for every boat/ship that makes it across, there are countless boats that are lost at sea. Hell, you could list the reasons, the causes, the acts of irresponsibility and negligence that often leads to these tragedies. But in the end, the cold, harsh reality is, for some people, this is a business. And it's just business, nothing personal.
If one were to list some of the worlds largest mass graves, then I'm quite sure that the Mediterranean would be somewhere on the top of the list. Innumerable souls have been lost to those waters. And unfortunately, most will continue to be lost. As long as things are bad where they are from, as long as people are desperate, they will always take the risk, take the chance and make a break for it.
And why? Why take such a gamble? Why subject yourself to elements and tribulations that most people would just as soon avoid? Why leave a place you've called home, only to journey to a place that you've never seen outside of the pages of a book or a T.V. screen? Why? Simple.....these people live in hell. And to them, hell is life without hope. And of all the fundamental human rights.....hope is the one we are entitled to the most, which can not and should not be taken away from us.

My motives are simple. I just wanted to make an observation. Any who read this are welcome to take whatever message they derive and go with it. The observation.....the world is a fucked up place. We owe it to ourselves to try and make it better.
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