
 Hello one and all. As I write this, I can help but feel like I sound like some messiah who just came back to his flock. And while my ego would like for me to embrace such a position, common sense and good judgement would advise me otherwise.
 But, nonetheless I'm back. Forgive the absence for I've been away attending to matters that extend outside the blog community. To whose reading this that couldn't care less, my apologies for wasting your time with such drivel. Nonetheless, I beg your indulgence as I dive into yet another entry with my own brand of bravado.
 Some of you might not know this, but my favorite rap group has always been Bone Thugs n Harmony. Although some might claim that it is their harmonious rap style and their fast-paced lyrical delivery that appeals to most, truth is, I can't truly describe why I've had such an affinity toward them. Nonetheless, my brethren and I have been huge fans since the days of "Cross Roads" (for which they won a Grammy award, though I'm sure most people have forgotten that by now). One song that has always held a place in my heart has been a "Home", which was a collaboration with the timeless Phil Collins. The track was called home and while it was an obvious rendition of a song that was previously sung by Mr. Collins, I can't help but feel a special affinity towards it.
 If I were to be asked why I feel that, I supposed it would be because I truly do not feel like I have one. No, this is not an attempt to illicit some pity or sympathy from the masses. It's simply a statement of fact. And while I wish I could get into some long, tired tirade on the meaning of home and what not, I'm just too damn tired of the subject.
 Due to the circumstances of my life, I do not have a home, or rather, I do not have a place that I can truly call home. But, as I write these words, I am reminded of something a dear friend once said to me. I once asked him the very same question, where do you feel at home. His reply was the physical street address of a hotel just outside of Paris, France, claiming that it felt like home to him for several days. While this might sound random to some, it wasn't to me, for it was the location of a rendezvous of sorts between myself and various individuals from my past who has all relocated to Europe and had been able to make it to a reunion of sorts that had been planned in the heart of France. When I pressed him and asked why he would name that place as home, of all the hotels, in all the countries, in all the continents, in all the world, he simply replied "....because I had you guys there with me".
 Now, one might write this off as some message of acceptance and appreciation for what you have, I beg you not to write it off as such. Folks, we live in a time where friends are seldom easy to find and even more rare to maintain, due to the very nature of life and what not. I ask not that you simply appreciate what you have, but to look around and ask yourself how much different your lives and worlds would be if you didn't have the things or people in your lives now. Don't take this as some prophetic message, but read this as the a claim from the voice of one who is no better nor worse than you. You have what you need. You are blessed to have what you have now. And, given time, you will be further blessed in the future.
 As my own person custom would dictate that I end this with a quote, I will end it with a quote that I read from a 50-something year old weight-lifter who discovered the weight room in his late 40's, worked hard and looks better than most of my contemporaries. "Some people might look at the glass as half-empty or half-full. I say, be thankful for even having a glass and for having something in it".
 Ultimately, as this Easter holiday draws nearer, let's just be thankful. If not for what we have, then for the will to want to have what we don't have now. Who knows....next year might be a different year.
 As for me.....all I can say is "God Påske alle sammen"!!


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