Own up!

 Before you read this, a quick side note. I found an old note from way back when I decided to start blogging and despite how crass it came out, it's reflective of my younger self, as well as my growth as a person. So, for better or for worse, take all of this with a grain of salt. Having said that, enjoy.......

 Warning: the opening paragraphs of the following post contains rather graphic elements of an overt sexual theme, which in all fairness, is being used as a platform for an entirely different topic all together. Therefore, I urge anyone who is "sensitive" to stop reading and get out of here right now..............are you still here...........*sigh, fine, but don't say I didn't warn ya......
 Among his "many accolades", Adolf Hitler was also a monumentally perverted sexual deviant. Now, I make this claim based solely, and rather regrettably, on an article that I had once read in FHM magazine, many many moons ago. I should point out that this article had also listed quite a few other "names" from history, such as Catherine the Great (who, according to popular yet unsubstantiated myth, was crushed by a horse she had order to be lowered on top of her), Caligula ( who supposedly forced a primitive gender reassignment procedure on a slave whom he was "involved with", among many other atrocities) and Napoleon (who was rumored to have preferred his women to be "ripe with the scent of life"........... whatever the hell that means, though I have my suspicions). But, hands down, Adolf took the cake. He purportedly had fantasies of "returning to his mother's womb", along with his signature claim of "sexualizing his stare", meaning he could quite possibly achieve orgasm just by staring at something long enough. My personal revulsion aside, I must admit, that almost sounds like an interesting party trick.......at a birthday party held in an underground S&M dungeon.
 His bizarre fetishes aside, one thing about him always intrigued me. This is based on a statement that my college history professor once made. He believed that Hitler's intention was to strengthen nazi Germany. He just didn't care that he had to kill six million jewish people to do it. The countless lives lost were simply a means to an end, as horrific as that sounds.
 However, what pisses me off is that, by accepting this belief, it leads one to the conclusion that "Die Furer" would've believed himself to be absolved of his responsibility for this because, in his eyes, the ends justified the means. And I don't buy that. But, he's just a small, though hardly insignificant example.
 In case anybody feels the need to pounce on me, let me make something clear before I continue, I do not, nor would I EVER, support ANYTHING that that monster has done!!!
 Now then, my point....
 The parent constantly telling their child that tomorrow will be the day they go to the park, the teacher promising the student a full grade on a test if he just works hard, the guy who says he's your best friend, the girl that tells you she likes you....whatever the circumstances, sometimes we just set ourselves up for that fall, because some folks end up "writing checks they can't cash". But I could never truly fault these folks, or anyone else.
 We're human. We fuck up. It’s as simple as that. We've never, as a species, made any claim to perfection nor should we, despite what organized religion would have us seek to achieve (which is not to dog on religion in any way). But, we should never apologies for what we do, so long as our intentions are never malicious and our motives never shady.  But when you do make a mistake, an admission of such would always be welcomed. But more importantly, its required, not just as an act of civility, but as a courtesy to the person you hurt. It’s not so much an "apology" that one would be after, but rather, a sign that the other person is aware that they've wrong you. Perhaps some regret after the fact. However, like any man, I could never speak for humanity, so I only speak for myself.  I would never intentionally hurt you. I would never intentionally disrespect you or discourage you. Anything positive I say is meant to uplift you. Anything negative I say is meant to critique you. Should the day come where I've wronged you, I apologize. And should the day come where you ask me for it, I will give you my forgiveness for whatever transgression you commit against me......eventually.
 Bottomline, own up to your mistakes. Don't cower before the blame but don't dodge it either. Hold your ground, man (or woman) up and just take whatever comes your way. Who knows, you might come out a better person for it....or you might just lose something. But then, what's life, without some loss and gain??

P.S. I apologize to anyone who was offended by my opening paragraphs.....but I wish I could've seen your faces when you read them. Mwahahahahahahahaha.


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