....signing off✌

I know, it's been a minute since I posted on this. While I could make up a ton of excuses like life, work, relationships, drama, the inevitable and endless trips to the bathroom, the countless hours spent watching everything that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has to offer, and so on, I'm sure we both know that's crap. 

Truth be told, I've been off. Not off my game, but just off-focus. In hindsight, I've come to realize that after 9 years, on and off, of posting my mad ramblings and personal insights, it's time to end this. 

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a cry for help or some need for attention (though I always appreciate whatever I can get haha). When this whole thing started, it began as part of a journey towards self-discovery. It was a journey that I hadn't really taken seriously until I was years into it. This blog has taught me a lot about myself (don't worry, I won't bore you with the revelations that I've gained from this experience) and how far I've come. 

In retrospect, me not finding the motivation (yes, MOTIVATION) to keep posting had been something that I've been struggling with for over a year. Plus, a global pandemic doesn't really help. And no, I will not launch into some tirade on vaccines and mask mandates and hand sanitizer, and what have you, simply because, again, I don't have the motivation. 

But, what I've realized is that I'm not the same guy that started this thing all those years ago. Granted, I'm older and wiser, but it's more than that. I've grown, and with that growth, my outlook on life has changed. 
(Again, this isn't a cry for help, so whoever is feeling the need to call me just to check if I'm still breathing,  yes, I still am, so please don't).

While "Man, Under Destruction" was fun, it has served its purpose. It's brought me to the next chapter. I feel fortunate to have found my own little corner of the web to share my thoughts and the loyal few that actually want to read them. 

As for what I'll be doing...I'll be writing. But, with this new outlook, I'll need a new voice. 

I'll find it. Until then, stay tuned. 

So, thanks for the memories. Thanks for letting me share. Thanks for reading. 

As of now, I am no longer "under destruction". 


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