
What are problems?? No, this is not some vain attempt at saying that life is full of 'em & that we should just drink & be happy, although it seems to work for some.
This question is more of an attempt to ask are problems really miniscule things that plague you at sometime or another or are they a way of saying that the way your living your life is wrong?? I've been wondering about that for quite some time. Lately it's become almost an obsession, which would give you some insight as to how I am these days.
Are problems suppose to be an admission to yourself that you've reached an obstacle that you haven't quite properly cleared or is it just shit that you find along the path of life?? If it's the former, then that implies that you've run into certain aliments, be it physical, emotional or otherwise, that are to tell you to slow down, stop & think about what you are doing. If it is the latter, then it's merely an insiginifcant speck on the greater scale of things, in which case, DRINK & BE MERRY, if it works for you!!!!!
Of course, the thing about life, especially when it involves man, & woman, is that it is never that simple. Problems are simply a bridge that one crosses for several reasons. To achieve some understanding of things, to overcome the pain of a current situation, to grow & flourish, to enable you to simply become the individual that you were meant to be.
Granted, crossing that bridge is never easy, but then again, nothing trully worthwhile in life ever is easily attained. However, a question one should pose to himself, or herself, is whether or not crossing that bridge will lead you to the ever professed "land of milk & honey" or if it will simply lead you to another bridge where you will have to cross in order to overcome & achieve happiness?? & if so, how many bridges must one cross before he, or she, reaches happiness??
I guess life is tricky that way. The point behind this is that perhaps the problem is not as minute as one would think. Surely there are temporary enigmas that one must solve, but to what end?? Instead, find that source of all your problems, be it a condition, a place or even a person. However, most likely it is usually someone, but it's the someone you see whenever you look into a mirrior.
Therefore, I say unto you all, look at your lives. Are you living it the way you would want to?? If not, then think about what must be done. & then once you've managed to solve that riddle, then maybe you coud help those less fortunate. Maybe even help me solve my riddle.


  1. Here's the thing. I hear people say planning is essential. In life you need to have plans. You've got to plan it accordingly and on top of all of that, you need to be prepared for surprises and/or mishaps.

    When I was six years old, while waiting for the school bus, an old man was playing chinese checkers. He looked at me up and down and studied my uniform and school bag and smiled.
    "You got big plans huh?"
    I nodded and told him I wanted to be a nurse.

    "Don't have plans. Have a good idea," he replied. He was right. I had an idea I wanted to be a nurse. I applied for nursing school, I got into art. I wasn't disappointed.

    While I was in art, I was asked to sing in pubs for money, I learned how to perform.

    The more I performed, the more people told me the lyrics were good and that I was a good writer...which helped me remember how when I was a little the age of six...

    I wanted to write a book.
    It all went full circle.

    Now I think I have an idea.

    Samson...I want to be a writer.
    Have an idea luv.
    That's all you need :)

  2. Thats by far the best piece of advice I've ever heard. And maybe that man was right. Why have a plan, when all u need is an idea? Why have a flight plan when all u need is a destination? ;-)


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