What do women want??
I once had a co-worker, who was by all means, an easy man to understand. He was a man who loved sex with women. What compelled him to go after them with an almost ferocious hunger trully astounded me. He would always regale us with stories of his "numerous conquests", telling us intimate details that should've stayed that way, namely because they were just nasty, perverted stories (although as a man, I must admit, I found them quite entertaining and I make no apologies for that fact). Infact, he once brought a book pertaining to that very same topic, but what interested me the most was what was inscribed in the foreword of the book, by the author, who although I can't remember the name, I remember being quite a wise man for just one thing he wrote. Inscribed was the quote, "any man who claims to know women is a fool".
Man has conquered many obstacles within his reign on earth. The power of flight, high speed communication, knowledge of his world, the ability to even reach the stars & so much more. Yet, for all that he has achieved, he still lacks any clear understanding on himself, and more importantly on the nature of his better half, women.
Women, unlike most things in man's life, have always held a high regard, though most would fail to understand that or even realize it. They are much more than vessels of reproduction. They are one-half of what makes life worth living. They are strong when they need be, caring, thoughtful & many more things. And man, through the world have attempted to squash that through cultural restrictions & so on. Yet, like man, they have their failings.
Women can also be severly vindictive in many regards. They are the worse kind of enemy that can be made, for their venegnce is always personal in some regard, which makes it all the more impossible to protect yourself from, for that same thing can consume everything in its path, quite like the fires of hell.
But the main issue has always been regarding man. Namely how a woman can claim to not be able to find a good, decent man & yet, shy away from one when one appears for reasons apperant or not, for reasons that are real or assumed.
A woman can claim to want a man who can talk to them, tell himself in his own words, who can be honest & thoughtful and just be there when needed, yet will fall head over heels for a man with many material accomplishments, but little depth in his soul. She will claim to want a man who will be loyal, faithful & by her side, but will desire the man who is wanted by other women. She will want to be with a man who is respectful of her abilities & who will allow her to express herself & her independence, but yet will go after the man who will ultimately just want to be her whole wolrd & will just pamper her with "nice shiny trinkets".
I know, I sound like a man scorn. Perhaps I am, but that is irrelevant. What I am is a fool who is asking a very simple question, WHAT DO WOMEN WANT???!! Do they want us to dictate them in a manner that "they" find attractive?? Spoil them with the material things that make up happiness, as according to "the book of Bling Bling"?? Do they want us to treat them like dirt & be unfaithful, in order for them to think that we are desirable?? Do they want us to just shower them with everything money can buy & power can influence??
Or do they want us to protect them when we feel they need to be?? Tell them why we want them?? Show that we are faithful to them?? Respect the fact that they can achieve whatever they choose to & that we are there to support them??
If I pass of as a sexist pig, then I do apologise. However, I would be foolish to assume that women are simple creatures. I am not making some inaccurate generalization, but rather an observation into the mechanics of a womans mind & how men are far from understanding it.
In any event, man is forever doomed to simply fall through the obstacle course that is a woman's mind, trying to reach the unearnable goal of their understanding & comprehension. But nevertheless, we are all doomed to desire & chase after them. In the end, the women have all the power. And we can only pray that they are kind to us. Ultimately, it's their world, we just live in it.
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