
Did we ever live in an age of heroes? I’m curious about if there ever was such a time. Individuals that contributed and impacted in such a way that it altered our perceptions of our potential and fallacy. As I write this, I find myself wondering if anyone is even that capable. But, I recently learned a new word....or rather, discovered the definition of a word that I’d heard repeatedly over the years. Excelsior.
Excelsior, a Latin word meaning “ever upward” or “still higher”. Commonly known as the official motto of the U.S. state of New York, it’s come to be associated with another individual; Stanley Martin Lieber, a.k.a. Stan Lee.
I’m not behind on current events. Personal matters have been the reason for this delayed pseudo-eulogy. But hey, better late than never, right? Still though, since there have been so many statements made about this man, I’ve decided to go a different route. Instead of speaking about who he was to me, I’ll be talking about what he’s given me.
I’m a comic book geek. Or rather, as much of a comic book geek as a lost soul growing up in east Africa can be. Comic books were rarities that I found comfort and solace in. As many would tell you, once you turn the cover, you’re lost in a wave of imagination and detail that sweeps away time and concern.
Stan Lee didn’t just give my friends and I characters like Spider-man, the Hulk, the avengers, Wolverine and Daredevil (my favorite) just to name a few. He inspired my generation. He brought stories. Stories of brave men and women who fought for those who couldn’t. Sure, it was fictional and fantastic, but does that make it any less valuable as an art, as a contribution?
Maybe he was just a glorified story-teller, maybe he was just a guy who made a quick buck or two from being able to sell his stories. But to me, Stan Lee was the reason a rough period was tolerable. His stories did inspire. Hell, I can honestly admit that there was a time in my childhood where I wanted to be a superhero (I still remember the look on my father’s face when I told him....he must have thought I’d lost my 6-year-old mind).
But, for better or for worse, he made the world a brighter place. I may be embellishing and even giving too much praise, but hey, who gives 2 cents?
Looking back on what I had just written, I had a realization that maybe we did or even still do live in an age of heroes. I grew up to see Mandela inspire a nation, read about Ghandi’s resistance to violence, Mother Theresa’s near-infinite love and many more. Maybe they were the superheroes.
So, looking back on Stan Lee’s life and work, some might wonder, what does it all add up to? Hell, Bill Maher seemed to have a few choice words to say (and I’ll leave it at that). But, it boils down to the person.
For me, Stan Lee was the ultimate story-teller. A man who created characters and stories that have kept me on the edge of my seat since as far back as I can remember. A man even used his stories to touch on certain themes (for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, read any X-men comic).
He made us laugh, he  made us cry, but most of all, he never let us stop dreaming. To always keep going higher. So, for one last time, Excelsior!!!!!!!


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