Season of Gratitude

Does anyone  know the story about the scorpion and the frog?

The story goes that once upon a time, a scorpion was trying to cross a river, but couldn’t because it couldn’t swim. So, it comes across a frog and convinces it to carry him across. Half way there, the frog feels a sting on his back and is paralyzed. Realizing that he’d be stung, he scream at the scorpion that they both were going to die and asked why he stung him. The last thing he heard before drowned was “because it’s my nature”. Sure, that shit’s haunting and chilling, but you gotta admit, we can all relate.

I start with this because of the impending holidays, i.e. Christmas and new years. Of course, people all over the world are either emptying their savings accounts to buy gifts for folks that will probably end up in the back of an attic or going out and getting drunk to forget the holidays. If you’re like me, then you fall under the latter. In my case, there’s good reason, but in order to explain that, I would need a few drinks (yes, the irony of that statement hasn’t escaped me).

For a while now, I haven’t been the biggest fan of the holidays. For my own personal reasons, I’ll admit that the holidays have contributed to me partaking in activities that weren’t in my best interest.
I’ve always stated that for some, the holidays were a microscope where you magnified your whole life and examine it. I mean, really look at it for any flaws, deficiencies and imperfections. Anything less than perfect would seem like the end of the world. To be alone during this period would have been unbearable. And worst of all, because of how you feel, you just end up cutting yourself off from the rest of the world.

See, that’s how I would have spent Christmas. But, this year is different. I’m not saying that I’ve had some epiphany or that everything is clearer for me. However, my perspective has been altered somewhat. I couldn’t for the life of me tell you what pivotal event changed my outlook or what color t-shirt I was wearing the moment it happened. What I can tell you is what I realized.

I’m blessed. Sure, I don’t have everything I want in life (nor am I remotely close to it), but I have more than some folks. I have a roof, a warm bed, a fully functional body (which might require better maintenance due to the fact that I’ll occasionally partake in activities that don’t contribute to my well-being, but again I digress), average-intellect (in most matter, although women still confuse the hell out of me to this day, but again, I digress), an education, the means to acquire wealth and so on.
But most of all, I have people. People who care for me, who want the best for me, inspire me, motivate me, challenge me, stimulate me and more. They are the things I’m most grateful for and that’s my point.

People say that gratitude begets more reasons to be grateful. So, let’s try that. I’m not asking to flip the script and just act like a slap-happy monk during some weird-ass festival at a monastery. I’m saying, instead of getting depressed and sad, instead find something to be grateful for, no matter how big or small.

I’m not preaching that it will change your life in an instance. Trust me, that shit didn’t happen for me. Instead, it will......y’know, I got no clue how it works. I just know that it does. So, get out and be grateful. And if you need a reason why, then lemme ask you this.....aren’t you tired of being sad? Lord knows I am.

Merry Christmas, folks.  


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