
Showing posts from January, 2013

After all this time....

 I haven't gotten that many  Christmas  gifts in my life. I dunno if that comes as a surprise to some, but it's true. It's not due to some general dislike that I've been faced with over the years. I guess I can just chalk it up to dumb luck. But, I've had a few and I've been grateful for them. One of my favorite gifts has been a book that I got from a person who has become quite a fixture in my life. It was a novel entitled "Shantaram". It's the true story of    G regory David Roberts , a convicted Australian  bank robber and heroin addict who escaped from  P entridge Prison &  fled to  India. T he novel was commended by many for its vivid portrayal of the tumultuous life in  Bombay . Personally, I've found refugee in the fact that, despite his unorthodox life, Mr. Roberts has, and continues, to bestow remarkable wisdom upon me.   I open with this because of an incident that  occurred  earlier this evening invo...

"Big" is Beautiful too....

 Although I've claimed to be a fan of film and television, I must say that "Grey's Anatomy" has never really tickled my fancy. Seriously, a hospital where the staff spend half the time "doing it" with each other and the other half pondering the implications of what they've done does not really make for a suitable work environment. Especially for the patients. Granted, I'm sure the doctors are qualified and dedicated, but seriously, do we really want to be treated at a hospital where the doctor's have probably had their way with the nurses, which could, in turn, lead to some complication arising, a complication that could have been avoid had "Dr. McSteamy" been paying attention instead of explaining to "nurse whats-her-face" why he didn't call her the day after they had a hot, intimate tryst in the on-call room?? (Sorry, I'm just venting, but that's the price you pay for reading a blog from some asshole who lives on...

Alpha Male

 Growing up, I was a huge fan of wrestling. Still am. Sure, this has been an admission that's gotten me more than my fair share of ridicule and jokes, but I will not shy away from it. I have always been drawn by the sight of these strong individuals performing "feats" for the amusement of others. Some of them represented, physically at least, the epitome of the male physique. And considering that I grew up as a scrawny, skinny kid on the far side of Africa, this was always an inspiration to see, even though they were nothing more than exceptionally fit actors. But, truth be told, I do believe that wrestling's real. But, that's an argument I'll save for later.  The frame-work of professional wrestling evolved around the late 80's and early 90's. What started as just men masquerading in a ring evolved into a requirement for individuals who had both the physical conditioning and the stage presence needed to keep an audience captivated. To that end, the n...