Alpha Male
Growing up, I was a huge fan of wrestling. Still am. Sure, this has been an admission that's gotten me more than my fair share of ridicule and jokes, but I will not shy away from it. I have always been drawn by the sight of these strong individuals performing "feats" for the amusement of others. Some of them represented, physically at least, the epitome of the male physique. And considering that I grew up as a scrawny, skinny kid on the far side of Africa, this was always an inspiration to see, even though they were nothing more than exceptionally fit actors. But, truth be told, I do believe that wrestling's real. But, that's an argument I'll save for later.
The frame-work of professional wrestling evolved around the late 80's and early 90's. What started as just men masquerading in a ring evolved into a requirement for individuals who had both the physical conditioning and the stage presence needed to keep an audience captivated. To that end, the need of a "gimmick" was born. One gimmick that has always held my attention was that of a pro wrestler named Monty Brown, a.k.a. Marcus Cor Von. As far as wrestling "baddies" went, he was nothing special. But, his nickname was something of a magnet for me, which was "the Alpha Male". It was an idea that suddenly came to me in the middle of a phone conversation with a close friend not too long ago.
In one of my very first entries, I posed a question, "what do women want". Of course, being a male, this was a concept that I found not-so-easy to grasp, much less comprehend. This is not for lack of trying or some intellectual shortcoming, but mainly due to the complexity of the topic all together. I believe its because we're not suited to fully understand the nature of a women's desires, despite what self-help books will tell you. But, like any idiot with an idea, I'm willing to share mine.
Women want an Alpha Male, plain and simple. They want the best of the group, the cream of the crop, the sweetest taboo and the most forbidden fruit. Pick your metaphor and that's what they want. An Alpha Male.
However, such a discovery is not without its own inherent complications. In this case, its a question of "What is an Alpha Male"? Oddly enough, this is where things get tricky.
Like the Shakespearean quote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", so is the definition of the ideal man for women. Granted, there are certain similarities among the female consensus as to respect, devotion and what have you, from a man, but the differences are just as vast and wide-ranging as an assassins skill-set in most espionage movies (I'm personally partial to the Bourne series, though I much prefer Jeremy Renner's character in the franchise, though I will not take anything away from Matt Damon, who practically made the aforementioned character the household name in worldwide espionage that we've all come to admire and enjoy seeing.......sorry, had a bout of "Film-Tourettes" for a moment). And while I can't completely support this, I do have a theory as to the definition of an Alpha Male, which falls under 3 categories. These categories are based on age, specifically the age of the woman.
Now, before I delve further into this, I urge reader discretion. This is not women-bashing nor is it an attempt to justify whatever antiquated practices that you may "derive" from this piece. It's simply one fool's attempt at understanding the nature of things. So, as always, I beg your indulgence.
First, we look at the 18-25 group. Young ladies just entering womanhood, discovering the adult nature of the world and coming into their own as women. Though some might disagree with me, this peer group exercises a great deal of shallow and superficial tendencies, viewing men the same way men would view them, judging them based on how they appear to be physically. Therefore, the Alpha Male in this context is a physically fit man, with all the associated traits. Examples of this may be generous height, noticeable musculature, good hair, great teeth, bedroom eyes, nice smile etc. Sure, a certain degree of personality might be required, but it is optional at best. Bottom line, arm candy.
Second, we look at the 25-35 age group. At this point in time, after a certain degree of "play" has been achieved, women will have had some idea of what they want in a mate. The need for physical appeal diminishes, though does not completely disappear (seriously, when does it ever?). It is replaced with a desire for more intellectual stimulation and support. For an individual with brains and the means to use them. In this regard, the Alpha Male is somewhat different then what was aforementioned. We're talking educated, visibly intelligent, good job or of good means, ambitious and determined to succeed, so on. Bottom line, we're looking at potential providers of comfort and security.
Lastly, we have the 35 and beyond group. Now, this is where the game begins to wind down. After a bit of time in play, when all is said and done, what this group searches for is someone to grow old with, someone to be with until that very last breath, should they be so lucky. And in this regard, the definition of the Alpha Male is all but thrown out the window, because it can be just about anybody. The aging playboy who has decided to settle down, the guy who was always there for her but she just never noticed, the deacon at her church who she sees something special in, etc. Point is, here the requirement is neither age nor intelligence, but simply willingness to be there for each other, provided that the required incentive is present, i.e. Love.
But, however you look at it, there is always that one aspect that is hard to foresee, that one thing that we just can't predict. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, Love. Sometimes, when in the midst of looking for "Mr. Right-Now", a woman can stumble upon "Mr. Right". Sure, she might have to kiss a few toads before she finds her prince, but I suppose it would only make it all the more worthwhile. Either ways, that's a risk one must take.
I mentioned earlier that I believe wrestling to be real, and I do. No, I don't believe that they are truly being punched and kicked or what have you (though injuries, accidents and deaths are quite real). But, I do believe that the devotion that these men and women put into their performances inside, and outside of the "squared circle" is real. And what you see on T.V. is simply the tip of the iceberg, considering that these same individuals before, as well as countless others currently, make the long trek to whatever backwater speck on the map they find, to wrestle in warehouses and bingo halls, just to make a few hundred dollars. They did it, and do it, because of their devotion to their craft, for their desire to excel, for their love of it.
And nonetheless, I suppose that's why we all play the game, to find that special someone. That special someone that makes all the others feel like rest-stops on the way home, that special someone who makes us feel like nothing and no one else matters except for us, that special someone who, at the end of the day, is who we're meant to be with. And as preachy as this may sound, that's what we want, even if we're not looking for it now.
After the end of his ride in 2007, Marcus Cor Von left the world of professional wrestling. There has been no sighting of him since then. While I wish him the best of luck in all his endeavors, I do feel that I learned something from him.
What do women want? In a nutshell, women want an Alpha Male. Plain and simple, that's pretty much it. So, as I finish off this latest blog entry, I pose a question to every woman reading this piece right now......what is your Alpha Male?

In one of my very first entries, I posed a question, "what do women want". Of course, being a male, this was a concept that I found not-so-easy to grasp, much less comprehend. This is not for lack of trying or some intellectual shortcoming, but mainly due to the complexity of the topic all together. I believe its because we're not suited to fully understand the nature of a women's desires, despite what self-help books will tell you. But, like any idiot with an idea, I'm willing to share mine.
Women want an Alpha Male, plain and simple. They want the best of the group, the cream of the crop, the sweetest taboo and the most forbidden fruit. Pick your metaphor and that's what they want. An Alpha Male.
However, such a discovery is not without its own inherent complications. In this case, its a question of "What is an Alpha Male"? Oddly enough, this is where things get tricky.
Like the Shakespearean quote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", so is the definition of the ideal man for women. Granted, there are certain similarities among the female consensus as to respect, devotion and what have you, from a man, but the differences are just as vast and wide-ranging as an assassins skill-set in most espionage movies (I'm personally partial to the Bourne series, though I much prefer Jeremy Renner's character in the franchise, though I will not take anything away from Matt Damon, who practically made the aforementioned character the household name in worldwide espionage that we've all come to admire and enjoy seeing.......sorry, had a bout of "Film-Tourettes" for a moment). And while I can't completely support this, I do have a theory as to the definition of an Alpha Male, which falls under 3 categories. These categories are based on age, specifically the age of the woman.
Now, before I delve further into this, I urge reader discretion. This is not women-bashing nor is it an attempt to justify whatever antiquated practices that you may "derive" from this piece. It's simply one fool's attempt at understanding the nature of things. So, as always, I beg your indulgence.
First, we look at the 18-25 group. Young ladies just entering womanhood, discovering the adult nature of the world and coming into their own as women. Though some might disagree with me, this peer group exercises a great deal of shallow and superficial tendencies, viewing men the same way men would view them, judging them based on how they appear to be physically. Therefore, the Alpha Male in this context is a physically fit man, with all the associated traits. Examples of this may be generous height, noticeable musculature, good hair, great teeth, bedroom eyes, nice smile etc. Sure, a certain degree of personality might be required, but it is optional at best. Bottom line, arm candy.
Second, we look at the 25-35 age group. At this point in time, after a certain degree of "play" has been achieved, women will have had some idea of what they want in a mate. The need for physical appeal diminishes, though does not completely disappear (seriously, when does it ever?). It is replaced with a desire for more intellectual stimulation and support. For an individual with brains and the means to use them. In this regard, the Alpha Male is somewhat different then what was aforementioned. We're talking educated, visibly intelligent, good job or of good means, ambitious and determined to succeed, so on. Bottom line, we're looking at potential providers of comfort and security.
Lastly, we have the 35 and beyond group. Now, this is where the game begins to wind down. After a bit of time in play, when all is said and done, what this group searches for is someone to grow old with, someone to be with until that very last breath, should they be so lucky. And in this regard, the definition of the Alpha Male is all but thrown out the window, because it can be just about anybody. The aging playboy who has decided to settle down, the guy who was always there for her but she just never noticed, the deacon at her church who she sees something special in, etc. Point is, here the requirement is neither age nor intelligence, but simply willingness to be there for each other, provided that the required incentive is present, i.e. Love.
But, however you look at it, there is always that one aspect that is hard to foresee, that one thing that we just can't predict. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, Love. Sometimes, when in the midst of looking for "Mr. Right-Now", a woman can stumble upon "Mr. Right". Sure, she might have to kiss a few toads before she finds her prince, but I suppose it would only make it all the more worthwhile. Either ways, that's a risk one must take.
I mentioned earlier that I believe wrestling to be real, and I do. No, I don't believe that they are truly being punched and kicked or what have you (though injuries, accidents and deaths are quite real). But, I do believe that the devotion that these men and women put into their performances inside, and outside of the "squared circle" is real. And what you see on T.V. is simply the tip of the iceberg, considering that these same individuals before, as well as countless others currently, make the long trek to whatever backwater speck on the map they find, to wrestle in warehouses and bingo halls, just to make a few hundred dollars. They did it, and do it, because of their devotion to their craft, for their desire to excel, for their love of it.
And nonetheless, I suppose that's why we all play the game, to find that special someone. That special someone that makes all the others feel like rest-stops on the way home, that special someone who makes us feel like nothing and no one else matters except for us, that special someone who, at the end of the day, is who we're meant to be with. And as preachy as this may sound, that's what we want, even if we're not looking for it now.
After the end of his ride in 2007, Marcus Cor Von left the world of professional wrestling. There has been no sighting of him since then. While I wish him the best of luck in all his endeavors, I do feel that I learned something from him.
What do women want? In a nutshell, women want an Alpha Male. Plain and simple, that's pretty much it. So, as I finish off this latest blog entry, I pose a question to every woman reading this piece right now......what is your Alpha Male?
Let's call an alpha male "a person tending to assume a dominant role in social or professional situations, or thought to possess the qualities and confidence for leadership"