"Big" is Beautiful too....
Although I've claimed to be a fan of film and television, I must say that "Grey's Anatomy" has never really tickled my fancy. Seriously, a hospital where the staff spend half the time "doing it" with each other and the other half pondering the implications of what they've done does not really make for a suitable work environment. Especially for the patients. Granted, I'm sure the doctors are qualified and dedicated, but seriously, do we really want to be treated at a hospital where the doctor's have probably had their way with the nurses, which could, in turn, lead to some complication arising, a complication that could have been avoid had "Dr. McSteamy" been paying attention instead of explaining to "nurse whats-her-face" why he didn't call her the day after they had a hot, intimate tryst in the on-call room?? (Sorry, I'm just venting, but that's the price you pay for reading a blog from some asshole who lives on the ass-end of Norway).
When I think of Sara Ramirez......well, I pride myself on being direct, but never vulgar, so I will withdraw whatever comment I have, though I will say that T.R. Knight's character, a.k.a. Dr. George O'Malley, was a fool to leave her. Her devotion to him and her love for him not withstanding, Dr. Callie Torres (Ramirez's character) was shown to be a stable, passionate, loving, caring and devoted woman who's only mistake was to love a man who was obviously in love with someone else.
Wilson's character, Dr. Miranda Bailey, is the epitome of what a woman should be. As a mother and a surgeon, she's take-charge, direct, honest, yet she's displayed moments of vulnerability and honesty. She has been a backbone to the hospital's functionality, a stable figure for the cast of characters and an essential component of the show at large.
But, I will admit, the show has offered me some perspective. Not enough to consider medicine as a career choice, but on life in general. Take for example the female cast. Sure, they have some attractive cast members like Helen Pompeo, Kathrine Heigl, Kate Walsh and so on. But, as attractive as they are, they weren't the eye-catchers for me. No, for me, the beautiful women on the show, on staff, were Sara Ramirez and Chandra Wilson.
Now, I'm going to do something I usually never do, which is use this blog to attack someone or something. I say, "Shame on you" to all who believe that big women are not beautiful. Shame on the fashion industry, mass media, public opinion, artists searching for muses, the internet, contemporary history and whoever else.

Contrary to what you may believe, this entry is not some attempt at venting on how a particular t.v. show went about ( though I must confess, I spent a substantial portion of this weekend watching re-runs of Grey's Anatomy because.....well, I had nothing better to do). This is my attempt at explaining a belief that I have.
Big women are beautiful. Sure, they're larger than average, but as the old adage goes, "there's just more of them to love". However you chalk it up, there is truth to that.
Society would have you belief that being big or even substantial is both a fashion sin and unattractive. But then, this is the same society that spent a great portion of the renaissance painting portraits of plus-size women. I even remember a joke, where a comedian comment on that, saying if that was the standard held today, then many big girls would be models and many not-so-big girls would be coat-check girls at the club.
Now, this is not a call for women to simply start packing on the pounds and be round. Obviously, there are health risks associated with being over-weight. My point is, as long as you're healthy and happy, then who gives two spits how many pounds you rack up on the scale when you step on it in the morning?
Ladies, let me say it now, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! You don't need me or anyone else to remind you of that. So, please don't let society determine what your ideal weight/figure should be. You decide. And no matter what the number is, know that it does not diminish your beauty or worth.
I must confess, I've had a bit of a crush on Dr. Callie Torres, but perhaps that's just the latin heat attracting me. Regardless, in my eyes, as well as the eyes of those watching, she's a beautiful woman. And I wouldn't change her in any way.
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