My injuries......

For those of you who are unaware, allow me to speak about my brother. While I love him unconditionally, he leaves quite a bit to be desired in a sibling. Then again, I suppose we all do as well, but that point is rather moot. Living with him has been an experience unlike any other. Despite the appearance he makes as a wild maniacal animal, he is quite an intelligient individual. However, he has his faults, as I will no doubt explain.
Growing up, he set the pace for the rough nature of all our games, which included my baby brother & our sister, who is beautiful but has undeaniable masculine tendencies bordering on being a tomboy. Our mother, bless her heart, would try to put an end to these games, but later resigned herself to the condition, in regards to potential & then-future injuries, that unless bones were broken or blood was gushing out, it wasn't serious. However, although I can honestly say I've never had a broken bone, I will show u that our injuries, especially mine, were far from superficial, which u will see in the following list......

- a dislocated right shoulder (Samuel had jumped & landed on me while I was taking a nap cause he "wanted to play"
- a dislodged wind-pipe/throat (He had seen a scene from The Matrix & had attempted to reenact it with me)
- 5 fractured bones in my right hand
- A bruised sternum
- 2 knocked out teeth (Although I was 8, so I grew them back. Hence, I don't know if they count as an injury)
- Strained tendons in my left knee (Soccer accident, he thought I was the ball)
- Slightly bent finger (Car door accident. He wanted to see what would happen)
- Slight dent in my forehead (One would consider it his injury at my hands, but it only happened because he got crazy & head butted me, breaking his nose on my forehead)
- Slight damage to elbows (God knows how that happened, since I sure don't)

This is merely a watered-down version since I can't recall every injury or accident we had.
I don't write this to brag about my high tolerance for pain or paint my brother as some crazy depraved lunatic. I mention all this because I trully love my brother, as well as my family. As incorrigible as he was, he was never a bad person, not ever. I suppose in some way, one could even say that these mishaps brought us closer as brothers. Truth be told, if this is a price that I am to pay, now or in the future, for having him, then it is one that I will gladly pay a thousand times over. I only pray that I live to see us both happy.


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