I remember when I was a little boy, I had this overwhelming fascination with ninjas. It was almost unnatural. I wanted to be like them, so I devoured every book I could find on stealth, espionage, martial arts, gymnastics, etc. Despite the lack of knowledge regarding them, they are just as popular now. One thing I learn was how, when injured, they would not grit their teeth in anticipation of any upcoming pain. They would just clear their minds & just go for it. Pull out the arrow, mend the wound & keep going. Quick & painless, once u overcome the momentary pain. It's a popular misconception that tensing up will prepare you for it, but calming yourself & clearing your mind works much better. One could learn quite a bit from them.
When we look at relationships, sure, they don't work out & one or both parties will wanna get out of it. But, why attempt to soften the blow, assuming that feelings have been caught (Yes, I said caught, like a virus)?? When breaking up, the pain or whatever uncomfortable feeling is inevitable. It will come & it will occur. You can stop it, no matter how hard you try. So, why make stupid claims during the process, such as "You're a good person, it's not you it's me, you'll find someone better" blah blah blah?
Here's the deal. By making those claims, you are not softening the blow, but you are infact patronizing the person, allowing them to believe that the failure of this pseudo-union is a result of "you're" faults & flaws, not theirs. Had that been the case, they would be the one breaking up with you & actually mentioning it. But no, we have to try & make them feel better by making up stupid claims, however factually accurate they may be.
By telling someone any one of the above mentioned or any other variation of it, you're not comforting them. You're being condescending towards them. You're basically telling them that IT IS their fault, but you just don't have the heart or decency to tell them that. it's not a mercy-killing, for lack of a better word. It's just a form of taunting them, letting them know that you choose not to be honest & straight forward.
Being honest may not be the nicest course of action, but it is the preferrable one. It allows the person to know what their damage is, in order for them to either fix it or hide it, which ever works. It allows them to understand what has suddenly made them undesireable. Lines of how they are good people just won't cut it, unless of course your aim is to psychologically torture them, in which case, go for it. Hell, if you aim to hurt them, then atleast make a half-decent effort & do it right. After all, you were with them & ergo, they deserve nothing short of the brutal truth.
At the end of the day, you're main objective is to break up with them. Regardless of the level of intimacy you had, you are basically telling them that they are not good enough & therefore are not worth another minute of your time. So, why make up such outrageous statements to make it better when you don't even mean it?? You're making a statement by the act in itself. Don't further bullshit them by throwing some poor excuse for a band-aid on their feelings. Rip them apart, but make it a clean rip, so that they can mend themselves back together, stronger & more adapted to it, or in some cases, die trying.
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