The Laws of Attraction

Despite the beliefs that anarchists hold dear, as well as the unruly bad boys of any generation, laws do exist outside of the control of man. Laws that hold our world together, laws that bind us, laws that shape the existence & reality of any given state.
What is generally ignored, however, is that laws are present in almost every facet of human existence. In every aspect, from the most relevant, such as the laws of gravity, laws of energy distribution, the laws of infinite volumetric area of the universe etc, to the most mundane, such as the laws of color coordination of shoes & handbag when attending either a big banquet or the latest hip hop club, of the laws of which sexual position can be done, in regards to the participants size, weight & flexibility.
In relevance to everyday human interaction, there are certain laws that are in place. Laws that would appear obvious to some, but not to others due to some social inhibition, deceptive intentions or simply “not giving a fuck” (excuse my French). In regards to human attraction, specifically co-ed attraction, although in this day & age, alternative lifestyles are beginning to be more acceptable, also have certain laws & rules which would dictate who gets kissed & who gets dismissed.
Now, although I wouldn’t go so far as to openly scream this at the top of my lungs on the roof of the kingdom towers, I would attest that the following are my interpretations of these laws, as per my experiences & my observation of others:
People are superficial. Although some of us would like to believe in that old Shakespearian quote “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, most would attest to the fact that humanity tends to look at most through the same flawed eye. The first step towards any attraction is the initial notice. It can be based on any one thing that catches our eye, from the eyes, hair, teeth, smile, body, clothes or even one of those things that can’t be defined, but only felt. These things are what initiates any attraction for it is the thing that catches ones attention & even holds them captivated. Although I will admit that we are a skeptical race that believes in anything that can be seen especially physically beauty, humanity as a whole tends to leave it at that. We live in a time where people are judged on how good they look wearing nothing more than a thin film of sweat, or the latest tight designer jeans or the tightest shirts that shows off their “assets”. However, although any initial attraction is always initially physical, it shouldn't be based solely on that if it is to evolve into anything meaningful.
People are materialistic. As pessimistic as it is to admit this, there’s always that popular saying “Money talks, bullshit walks”. Money plays a key role in any attraction, not due to the materialistic nature of things, but because money acts as a bit of a screening system. It can be used to ascertain an individual’s level of accomplishment, their ability to provide for themselves & thus function within society, and, on a cynical note, to give their baby all the shiny things one could want. Although, relationships usually aren’t based solely on one’s annual income, it does play a pivotal role. At the end of the day, “you can’t make the scene, if you don’t have the green”.
People are fickle. While some of us would like to, and are probably prone to, believe that fairy tales do come true, the fact of the matter is that people are indeed fickle. It can be based on a “grass is greener on the other side”-complex, it can be just boredom or the need for excitement. However, the fact remains that a person will naturally go for something better if it presents itself.
Best intentions mean nothing. Leave emotion at the door. When entering an attraction of sorts, feelings & emotions are nothing more than hindrances to the initial pleasure & fun. Although conversation is quite essential, most people will not say what they feel, but rather what they think the other person wants to hear. We’ll say & do whatever in order to get whatever. It’s not the most pleasant thing to note, but that’s the harsh reality of our times. The initial stage of any attraction is wrought with deception & misconception, due to the guarded nature that one must have in order to prevent themselves from getting hurt.
Sexual prowess is a key factor. Sex is everywhere. There’s no point in trying to sugar-coat that bit of knowledge. We see it on the streets, the media, in society, in every corner of the world. A person’s sex appeal is also a key factor in any attraction. Its part of the initial notice that one gives based on physical appearance. Of course, it means nothing once the issue of physical relations has been addressed. If one of the principals is found to be lacking, then it will negatively affect the further evolution of the attraction. These short comings can be one of a multitude of things from inadequate size, & poor stamina, to just sheer insensitivity towards the other principal in question.
The hardest thing in any attraction however, is recognizing whether or not it is mutual. For some it is the hardest thing to do. But accepting the fact that it’s not mutual can also be just as difficult. However, science dictates that in any reaction or process, the initial reaction can be made, but the same steps can not be taken to continue & maintain that said attraction between elements. The same can be said in regards to human interaction. All the bullshit in the world can't hold up an attraction if it’s not based on the reality of the principals & their individual selves.
At the end of the day, people will keep colliding into each other like bumper cars, bouncing from one person to the next, before they find something worthwhile. Perhaps it will be a meaningless fling or one night stand. Perhaps it might even be the beginning of a life long bond. However, perhaps it’s time to change those rules, these laws of attraction. Perhaps we should throw the book out the window & decide to go for what we truly want, never settling for anything less, never compromising & never choosing to compromise who we are & what we desire. At the end of the day, we all want someone to love, even if most of you are laughing at that very notion.


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